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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the age group for the birth year for the Fall 2024 / Spring 2025 season?
2020-2009 Boys and Girls

How many tournaments per year?
2 or 4 Tournaments included in tuition and teams can attend more than the scheduled tournaments at an additional cost.

How many players on the field?
4v4 / 7v7 / 9v9 / 11v11

How many players on a team?
4v4 Max - 9
7v7 Max - 13
9v9 Max - 15
11v11 Max - 18

What affiliation club has EDP, FYSA, etc.
Naples Elite SC is now officially an EDP and FYSA Affiliate

What are the level of play?
Placing of team is based on level of overall skill.

What league will we play?

How often are practices?
3 X Per Week w/ Optional 4th Speed and Agility

When are games?
Saturday / Sunday

What is the commitment level for all Teams?
For the best development of all players, they are expected to attend all training sessions and games.

When will we be notified of tryout results?
No more than 48 hours after tryout date.

All students should be physically healthy before participating in soccer.
Coaches should be made aware of any allergies, ailments, or special needs.